Five years ago, I got tired of working crazy long 14 hour days as digital entrepreneurs, hosting free trainings, running 5 day challenges, and building endless free lead magnets.
So I started saying “No thank you” to doing more.
And saying YES! to doing less, instead.
My day starts at 10am and finishes by 2pm.
Which allows my working day to fit inside school hours - so I can be fully present to my 3 children at home.
By switching to a 4 Hour Work Day and working less, it forced me to find creative ways to achieve more, such as:
1. Figuring our how to fully automate our business
2. Learning how to outsource tasks and hire the right people
3. Filling our days with things we love to do like walking the dog, coaching my Son's football team and eating nutritious food.
And best of all:
With the 4 Hour Work Day™ Method and step-by-step checklist, I can teach business owners how to vastly reduce their working hours, automate large parts of their business and streamline their SOPs so life becomes fun.
And with the ready-made automatic client funnel template it's possible to start earning more and working less in just 72 hours!
The 4 Hour Work Day™ is everything you need to create your own successful business without working crazy hours - and it's just one click away.
Mini 4 Hour Work Day™ training: step-by-step video trainings to help you get started on your journey to the 4 hour work day®
My Counterintuitive Method To Simplify Your Business: access ideas, prompts, and examples to help you pick a winning business model to streamline your daily business activity
Our Secret Turbo Coaching Model: the “Asynchronous Coaching” method we use to rapidly scale our 1:1 coaching without working crazy hours
The "Perfect Day Step-By-Step Checklist: no more cookie cutter advice. Get crystal clear clarity on what a perfect day looks like for you
The "Automatic Client Funnel" Framework: learn how our proven funnel automatically converts your prospects to become paying customers in a matter of minutes
4 Hour Work Day™ Launch Checklist: simple daily action items so you can easily plan, launch and switch to a 4 hour work day in just a few days
Fill-In-The-Blank Social Media Content Outline: access our top performing posts on social media that turn cold leads in to red hot buyers with ease
30 Day Money-back Guarantee
This is the perfect place for you.
Look, being an Business Owner can be hard. We get it.
Just to get started online you need to put a lot of hard work in. Make content. Build an audience. Network. Create products. Promote your offer. The list is endless.
Which is why I created the 4 Hour Work Day™ to show you exactly how to streamline your business, increase your productivity and give yourself permission to work the hours you want.
... You'll be amazed how much more you can do when you say yes to less!
For me, I'm a husband and Dad of 3 kids. And call me crazy but I actually want to spend time with them.
Sure, the endless lifts to clubs, bickering over the TV remote and weird YouTube shows they watch isn't that much fun. But I would not change it for the world.
Over the years, I've made a lot of money online. I'm talking MRR of $40-90k, six figure launches and earning more in a day then the average person earns in a year.
But genuinely, I value my time and how I spend it more than money. That's why I work 10am - 2pm and enjoy a good balance in my life, so I can be there for my wife and kids and just... be happy.
The funny thing is every person I speak to says they want the exact same thing. We call this freedom.
If you didn't already know - the average self employed person works 9 hours a day, 5 days a week.
And as 90% of businesses eventually fail.
Most business owners are stuck in this perpetual cycle of fear that their business might fail. That fear causes them to work every hour available, many times working late nights, ignoring their kids and putting profits before their health and wellbeing.
Every year in business is challenging in it's own way.
Most folks we talk to - say they are exhausted, indifferent to social media and want a slower pace of life with less screen time.
A friend of mine said recently, they've noticed themselves constantly feeling triggered by other people's content but not because of the person who wrote the content, because of how they feel about themselves.
Deep down, if you don't love your business right now and you don't want to do "marketing" the way "everyone else" does it.
You're not alone.
And speaking to many business owners - if they're being honest - they've run out of puff with their business in it's current form.
For them (and many others) something needs to change.
The 4 Hour Work Day™ is your opportunity to change your business.
Not with complicated tech or overwhelming productivity hacks that require you to wake up at 3am, meditate for 2 hours, take an ice bath and then manifest your success.
The 4 Hour Work Day™ will help you to align your personal values with a business strategy designed to achieve your financial goals - all backed by proven science to ensure you take consistent action.
We call this a triple whammy - win win win.
Digital Marketing
Light Worker
Saas Agency Owner
Funnel Builder
Human Design
Email marketing
Public speaking
Money Coach
Tech VA
Real Estate Agency
Divorce Lawyer
Martial Arts Owner
Public speaking
Nomadic living
Pinterest ads
Mortgage Advisor
Business Strategist
Makeup Artist
(take a “trip down memory lane” with me to see exactly how a happy accident helped us to abandon the mindset of just do more and “strike gold” saying yes to less)
From the desk of Danny Clarke (just kidding, I'm sat on my sofa cuddling my dog Bonnie and drinking a caramel coffee latté
I've been self employed for a looong time now. Almost two decades in fact. But, it was in 2014 when I first started to take seriously how I could create a life of design - tbh, I really cringe saying that now.
Over the years, I've heard "gurus" explain this in lots of different ways:
Time freedom.
Passive income.
But in reality, what most folks want - including me - is a decent work-life balance. To enjoy work (without working crazy hours), to spend time with family and friends, to have time for hobbies, time to relax and enough time to deal with life admin.
And for me, this journey began sat in a hot tub with my wife, enjoying our honeymoon skiing in Mégeve, France.
At the time, I was a Managing Director for a Mortgage Brokerage working crazy hours. My days were spent completing client paperwork, submitting mortgage applications and chasing up lenders for an update.
In the Evening, I would be out of the house 3-4 times a week meeting clients to review their mortgage products, sell the odd bit of insurance and try desperately not to fall asleep on the long, tedious drive homes.
I was working a lot... but I justified it all because I was making good money. And being in my mid twenties, I wasn't worried when my Dad would tell me "Be careful Son, you're burning the candle at both ends".
I was all in. I convinced myself, after reading lots of books by Gary Vaynerchuck and Grant Cardone (don't judge me, I was young and worked in sales) that I loved my life and I loved the hustle.
But deep down, I was miserable.
My wife was also working crazy hours building her Bridal Agency. Throw in two young kids, a new marriage and we were ready to think of the future. We knew we could not continue to keep on doing things as we were.
Something had to change.
So we threw ourselves in to learning new, exciting and "better" ways to earn money and still be able to enjoy life.
We started new companies, we made changes to existing companies (for a while I became the "Travelling mortgage Guy". Side note - compliance hated me. Ha!). We dabbled at network marketing, affiliate marketing, Christmas markets, tattoo lip transfers, feather hair extensions, a marketing agency and much much more...
In fact, I swear to God this is true, I googled "How to make money online" and found a system for betting online playing roulette. Starting with just £1 I kept doubling my money all the way up to £4,000. I then lost 10 times in a row. 10 times! So my pot had reduced down to just under £3,000. I cashed out and never gambled again, it was far too scary for me.
But our curiosity eventually paid off.
After two years of trying everything and anything to improve our work-life balance, it turned out we had learned many valuable skills. Especially how to make money online and building a personal brand. And funnily enough, there was a lot of people who wanted to learn more about what we had done and how we had done it.
We by no means were the smartest people to build an online business. There were already gazillionaires online showing people the "secret to success" and how to "crack the code" to making astronomical money with next to no effort. But, we ignored those folks, stuck to what we knew, and started helping people who asked for our help.
So that's what we did.
We launched a coaching business called "The Free Life with Dan & Liz".
The idea was simple.
In order to create leverage, so we did not exchange our time for money, we would build a membership, and share everything we knew to our members. And even better, all the clever, smart folks we had meant along the way, we would invite them to share their knowledge too.
We were genuinely helping people.
We had a product that people adored.
We could scale the business model in the future.
And, most importantly, it would allow us the freedom to travel the world as a family of 5.
But, genuinely... behind the scenes it was a 💩 show
Whilst my wife and 3 kids were living their best life. I was gripped by fear of everything falling apart. A mixture of imposter syndrome, a genuine lack of knowledge on what I was doing and for the first time in my life earning "life changing" money, I spent more time worrying about things then actually doing things.
And the only thing I believed would fix everything was to work more.
If I worked harder I could help more people.
If I worked harder I could earn more money.
If I worked harder I could figure out what I'm doing.
If I worked harder I could have more time in the future.
If I worked harder I could... [insert a million different reasons]
Not only was this belief hardwired in to me. But everywhere I looked for help only reinforced this belief system.
I was following all the famous internet marketing gurus and doing everything they told me to:
hosting free trainings
creating lead magnets
writing valuable “how to…” posts
taking sales calls
posting in other people’s FB groups
putting together free email courses (remember those?!)
Here’s me in my office doing one of my daily free trainings at 10pm. Craziness!
I was spending my entire day doing “more stuff” for my audience. And as a result…I was up till 2am on a regular basis, just trying to hit deadlines and finish projects for my paying clients.
I was burnt out, fed up and ready to quit.
My evenings were spent secretly searching the internet, trying to find a cheap house to rent and job sites to find a simple 9-5 job that would pay a decent wage so I could give up all of the stress and pressure. This was not freedom.
I had stopped believing it was possible to live the life of my dreams.
It got so bad, I wrote a letter for my wife telling her I was ready to quit.
And just as I was about to give the letter to her and finally share with her that I had hit rockbottom, I saw a post on social media offering the chance to book a Strategy Call with a wonderful lady called Tina who I held in huge regard.
Usually to work with her would cost upward of $20,000 but on this day she was offering calls for just $300.
I don't know why but something told me... this is it.
It is no exaggeration to say that one call transformed my life. Tina taught me the value in doing less. In fact, out conversation went something like this:
Tina: "How much money did you earn last month?"
Me: "£15k"
Tina: "And what do you want to earn next month?"
Me: "I don't know. £30k?"
Tina: "And how do you expect to earn twice as much money?"
Me: "I'm not sure. Work twice as hard?"
Tina: "And is that sustainable for you to keep doing that?"
Me: "Probably not"
But the problem was, I didn't know what I didn't know.
How the heck do you work less and earn more?
Because I had bought so many courses promising to show me how to make £187,916 in 3 minutes following this 3 step system. And none of them actually taught me anything.
They all said I needed to create a vision board and manifest harder. Hmm.
Or, join a pyramid scheme. Double hmm.
Or, required me to spend $30,000 to join a high level mastermind and spend 3 nights in Utah at a Cowboy ranch with 7 figure entrepreneurs. Triple hmm.
But this call was different because Tina asked me:
“How can you earn the same amount of money next month but work half as much?”
Ohh, that’s interesting.
And so we spent the next 20 minutes or so mapping out what that would like.
To be honest, it was pretty easy to do.
Because my mind was challenged to think of a creative solution, as opposed to following the normal programming I had since childhood.
Just work harder.
So the following month passed and I achieved my goal. I earned £15k but reduced my working hours from 12-14 hours a day down to a regular 7 hours.
The month after, I challenged myself to reduce my working hours by half again. But, to keep earning the same monthly figure of £15k.
And wouldn’t you know it.
I did it again.
In fact, I got so good at it, over a six month period I got my business down to just one hour a day.
And here’s the funny thing.
My income went up.
I’d been stuck at those £15k months for a loooong time.
But here I was six months later, working just one hour a day and earning double, sometimes triple, what I was before.
Call it working smarter.
Call is systems.
Call it strategy.
Call it alignment.
Call it a freedom lifestyle.
Whatever it was... worked.
But, honestly, working one hour a day - whilst it does sound the dream - it was really bloody boring and I missed working. I love what I do and helping others is so much fun.
Well, for me it was anyway.
And so I played around with different working hours, different times during the day and found the perfect amount of time.
It was... a 4 hour work day.
The more I researched this idea - the more I realised it was exactly what I needed to do.
I read hundreds of books by the world's leading expects on productivity, alignment, neuroscience, performance.
And they all said the same thing.
A normal working day of 8 hours is counterproductive.
And working crazy long hours, was actually detrimental. Not only to work, but mental wellbeing and physical health.
I don't want this to become preachy but here's a quick example of the negative impact working too much can take on you. A 2021 World Health Organisation (WHO) study found that working 55 or more hours per week increases your risk of stroke by 35% and your risk of dying from heart disease by 17%.
And what's really wild is this.
In the United Kingdom, 20.4% of self-employed people worked more than 55 hours per week over the past 12 months.
And whilst I don't have official stats to back this up... my "gut feel" from speaking to many business owners is that most business owners work longer hours then they actually declare, as theres a lot of sneaky and unaccounted hours not disclosed.
But, as I was saying...
Physically, spiritually, neurologically - it all lines up.
And so, in the last 5 years, I have committed to working from 10am - 2pm every day.
Of course, some days, some weeks, heck even some months require more from me.
But each time I find myself out of balance.
I go back to the 4 hour work day.
I re-align my short term values and goals, find a create way to streamline my business and take action.
And it works 100/100 times.
And the 4 Hour Work Day™, has allowed me to create an incredible life over the past decade, where...
I was able to earn enough money to fully retire from a successful 10 year career in financial services as a Financial Advisor in just a few months.
I travelled around the world non-stop for 11 months with my wife and 3 children. We spent time skiing in the French Alps, hiking in the mountains of Bali and swimming with turtles in Australia.
I was personally asked by Eric Worre to speak at the first ever Social Media Summit in Las Vegas, Nevada in front of a worldwide audience of 80,000 digital entrepreneurs
I've spoke on stages around the world, including Dallas, New York, London and Sydney in front of tens of thousands of people.
I built one of the UK's largest digital membership for entrepreneurs with more than 12,000 members without spending a single penny on ads!
That allowed me in 2020 to buy my dream home in the countryside and in the same month purchase my dream car, a brand new Landrover Discovery.
Launched one of the UK's largest Saas Agencies in 2020 with over 1,000 paying customers using our all-in-one marketing platform Easy Peasy Funnels.
And on this journey, we have helped thousands of people all around the world.
Our clients have generated hundreds of millions of dollars in revenue. In fact, the number got so big we stopped keeping count years ago.
Over 19,000 entrepreneurs have completed our digital training courses and coaching programs.
More than 137,000 digital entrepreneurs have purchased a digital product from our digital companies in the last decade.
We have had world class speakers like Jack Canfield, Brian Tracy, Dan Meredith, Phil M. Jones, Rob Sperry and Frazer Brookes speak at our Virtual and in-person Summits.
But those aren’t the stats that matter. (We’re really just sharing them here so you can see the real power of the 4 hour work day.)
What really matters is that… We can help you switch to a 4 hour work day that will give you more income & more freedom.
My mission is to show every business owner in the world that working less is better for your business, better for your relationships, better for your family, better for your health, better for your wellbeing and better for the planet.
And I’d love to help you next!
Mini 4 Hour Work Day™ training: step-by-step video trainings to help you get started on your journey to the 4 hour work day®
My Counterintuitive Method To Simplify Your Business: access ideas, prompts, and examples to help you pick a winning business model to streamline your daily business activity
Our Secret Turbo Coaching Model: the “Asynchronous Coaching” method I use to rapidly scale my 1:1 coaching without working crazy hours
The "Perfect Day Step-By-Step Checklist: no more cookie cutter advice. Get crystal clear clarity on what a perfect day looks like for you
The "Automatic Client Funnel" Framework: learn how this proven funnel automatically converts your prospects to become paying customers in a matter of minutes
4 Hour Work Day™ Launch Checklist: simple daily action items so you can easily plan, launch and switch to a 4 hour work day in just a few days
Fill-In-The-Blank Social Media Content Outline: access my top performing posts on social media that turn cold leads in to red hot buyers with ease
30 Day Money-back Guarantee
So we’ve set up a 30 day, no questions asked, money-back guarantee.If you sign up for the 4 Hour Work Day™ and — for any reason — it doesn't meet your expectations, just shoot us an email and we'll promptly refund you 100% of your purchase. But with less than a 0.1% refunds rate across all of our sales, we think you're gonna love it. ;)
Absolutely not! Our customers have successfully switched to a 4 Hour Work Day™ in all sorts of niches: parenting, baking, health, crafting, education, decluttering, fashion, sleep, mindset, sports, dog training, and more.
Nope! Inside the 4 Hour Work Day™ we share how to launch simple, low-tech solutions for those that need them.
You get instant access to everything! Plus, we offer a 30 day no questions asked money back guarantee for extra peace of mind.
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